Monday 16 July 2018

Importance of general and professional Duvet Cleaning for your health

After your bathroom, the place that needs to be cleaned every day is your bed. Just as it is imperative to ensure that your bathroom is clean for everyday use, the same way one should make sure the sheets and duvets are changed regularly. If Duvet Cleaning is not done regularly, bacteria develop inside the sheets and duvets. 

The skin of the human beings tends to shed off millions of dead skin cells that are always present on the bed. You would feel bothered to know that these dead skin cells are great food for dust mites. And what to speak of bed bugs!

Therefore, your duvets and sheets must not only be cleaned every week, but these also require a professional cleaning. Professional cleaners possess the know-how to make the duvets and sheets not only clean but thoroughly hygienic and safe to use. 

Having hygienic and bacteria free sheets is highly important. If this is not donned on time, your chances to be infested with dust mites under the skin scales become high. Many people also get an increased risk of being affected by asthma and respiratory conditions when the duvets are not cleaned.

Approximately 35 percent of one’s life is spent under the duvets or while snoozing on your pillows. So, you should be aware of some general duvet cleaning tips and the importance of professional cleaning from time to time.

Why is taking care of Duvets and pillows so important?
  • If pillows and duvets are left unwashed for months, nearly one-third of your pillows and duvets may be composed of dead skins, bugs, and their droppings. So, if you are planning to rush your bedding stuff to the laundry, there some ready tips for taking care of things before you get your professional cleaning done. 
  • It is imperative to change your duvets and pillows every 2 or three months.  Moreover, check the label first. The duvets and pillows containing feathers and down-fillings need to be dry-cleaned.
  • If you are not sure of how to squeeze a bigger duvet into a machine, then find out if the machine has room enough for moving around the drum. You can fold the duvet in half a turn into the washing machine. The duvet’s weight gets spread out and the machine does not make such a lot of noise. One must use a normal spin setting for rinsing it dry. 
  • The duvet must be air dried after their washing. Duvets that have been dried in sunlight will be rid of infestation from the microorganism. In the winter season, it is preferable to iron out the duvets for making them bacteria free.
  • Pillows should be washed in temperature setting kept at 60 degrees. Washing machine remains balanced if two pillows are washed together by keeping them on two sides of the machine. One should use the air cycle to dry out the feather pillows. 
  • Synthetic pillows should be tried at the lowest heat settings. You can use a few tennis balls covered in old socks to prevent your pillow from clumping together.

Besides washing your duvets and pillows at home, it is imperative to get a thorough professional duvet cleaning done from reputed service once in at least three months.

If you are looking for a professional who can provide you with Duvet Cleaning in Sheffield, Pennywise Cleaners can help you. They have an experience of more than 35 years. For more information, explore the website here:


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